Unlock the hidden power of diversity, equity and inclusion in business performance
VALEAD aims to foster a more inclusive culture within organizations that values individual differences and contributes to a respectful and fulfilling work environment for all.
VALEAD offers an innovative, but above all unifying, approach that highlights the hidden power of diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of organizational performance, by capitalizing on the impact of management teams and talents of individuals.

Our mission
We provide training programs to raise awareness of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), as well as inclusive leadership programs.
Our services include personalized support in the design of EDI programs tailored to organizations and employee needs.
Equity, diversity and inclusion awareness training
Personalized coaching
Employee career development

Why EDI?
To build a corporate culture based on authenticity and respect.
To be a supportive ally while remaining true to yourself and your values.
To provide support while keeping your actions and words genuine.
The research literature offers a number of observations and justifications for the phenomenon of resistance to change, particularly in EDI. Respondents to studies repeatedly mention obstacles to deliberate discussion and action, such as the fear of creating discomfort among colleagues; embarrassment at discussing the subject oneself; and not being convinced that EDI is relevant to their work or their team.
VALEAD provides you with practical, proactive tools to help you work towards inclusion, equity and diversity.

Our method
Accompagner dans l'action
Soutien aux dirigeant.e.s et aux équipes RH dans la définition des besoins, des stratégies et des solutions.
Processus inclusifs en sécurité psychologique des employé.e.s et des intervenant.e.s
Engaging managers and teams
Diversity awareness training
Defensive behavior management
Developing Ally Skills
Integrating emotional intelligence into decision-making
DEIclik training
The DEIClik course aims to facilitate collaborative and inclusive behaviors, for managers and employees, in a process that relies on experiential intelligence and collaboration.
Comprising a series of workshops and information capsules, it is structured to enable each participant, voluntarily committed, to develop their inclusive intelligence and take action in a healthy and compassionate way.
Each stage leads to the discovery of oneself and of others, to an understanding of one's differences, and to clarifying one's intentions for the benefit of better living together, for better overall performance.
The objectives are clear:

Prevent demobilization
en soutenant les employé.e.s qui font face aux freins et aux comportements défensifs concernant les attentes en EDI.
Il est important de répondre aux préoccupations des employé.e.s qui se sentent victimes des initiatives en diversité, équité et inclusion.
VALEAD une offre d’outils d’intervention qui en font percevoir la pertinence et les bienfaits (personnels ou collectifs) tout en respectant les émotions et les positions sur la posture d’allié.e des individus.